This is for you if:

you feel directionless and unclear about your spiritual path but you know you want to operate in your dark divine feminine power

you have been told that you are bipolar but don't meet the criteria

you struggle with rollercoaster emotions and wonder what it means for you spiritually

you have serious emotional dips and wonder about re-vamping your identity and how to love yourself better

you might suffer from depression and need to pull the wisdom from it so you can carry yourself like the baddie you truly are

Dark night of the soul doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to feel pointless. It doesn't have to be full of pain and confusion. If you're ready to pull the wisdom from your inner dark goddess and Her guidance, then this is for you. Say "YES" to yourself and set yourself free so you can navigate life with grace, ease and a limitless dark feminine spiritual essence that shines and empowers you, inside and out.