This is for you if:

you have dark nights of the soul followed by high spiritual ascension but need to maintain the ascended state as a real identity instead of it just being a temporary confidence boost

you want to find the wisdom in your emotional struggles so you can activate your life in spiritual as well as practical ways

you know that the dark goddess is showing you your weak spots so you can work on them, you just don't know how to do the work

So you can:

use the wisdom from the dark night to sustain your confidence and allure

resolve your weaknesses and be more resilient

have the emotional maturity that brings spiritual insight and intuition, fostering peace and ease in everyday life

Dark night of the soul doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to be an exhausting cycle. It doesn't have to be full of pain and confusion. 10x your spiritual wisdom and power, and free yourself from the roughness of the dark night of the soul. Say "YES" to yourself and navigate your spiritual life with grace, ease and a limitless dark feminine power and satisfaction.